Virtualgamecoin HashGame limit update

At the request of vgc-community.HashGame has adjusted the limit to 100-10000 trx/vgc, and adjusted the gas fee reasonably. At the same time, the trx/vgc prize pool is added. The VGCTeam has prepared a game prize pool with a value of 200,000 USDT for VGCers. When the trx prize pool is lower than the threshold, it will be added automatically. Please play the game moderately.Please enjoy it.

應社區的强烈要求,HashGame已經調整上限至100-10000 trx/vgc,並合理調整了手續費。同時為大家增加了trx/vgc獎池,VGCTeam為大家準備了200,000USDT價值的遊戲獎池,當獎池低於閾值時會自動添加。請大家適度的進行遊戲。